Our Work
Below are some before and after pictures of work we have performed in the past. You can click any thumbnail image to open up the gallery.

Tree Spade at work!
Lemon Brush Shredding
Lemon Brush Shredding
Small Lemon Tree Orchard Mastication
Clearing lemon orchard
Lemon Brush Prunings
Medium to heavy brush on mostly 40% slopes some 50% slopes with small trees intermixed; Clearing done in preparation of orchard planting.
Laborers cut and stack brush for tractor to shred
Edison Road overgrown with chaparral
Balcom Canyon
San Marcos Pass Trout Club – overgrown with chaparral and poison oak
Brush mowing on 35% to 40% slope, 3′ – 4′ high, dense sage and coyote brush.
Abandoned avocado orchard overgrown with dense brush and trees – flat to 40% slope
Avocado brush
Mowing of invasive weeds (Euphorbia) on hillside; some weeds up to 12’ high
Mowing of Arundo; Mechanical and Hand labor used